Monday, December 30, 2019

Social Penetration - 1449 Words

Why do some relationships progress quickly more than others? In order to understand this, relationship must be defined. According to Merriam-Websters Dictionary, A relationship is a type of connection existing between people that have a relation or dealing with each other. It is through the process of communication, which is the process where human beings transmit ideas, information, and attitudes to one another, that our relationships are forged. Without communication there would be no relationships involved with people. Many communication scholars have tried to study on how these relationships develop. Irwin Altman and Dalmas Taylor had developed a theory, social penetration, to explain how relationships are established and†¦show more content†¦With that being said, we move towards the affective exchange where a great deal of open exchange occurs. Claire finally admits that she is a virgin. Towards the movie the group moves towards affective exchange when they talk about their attitudes towards their parents. They all have something in common. They all dislike certain aspects of their parents. They were showing a form of self-disclosure, which involves communication about self that can deepen relationships, increase self-acceptance, and can [help] discover yourself more deeply and in turn you can solve more problems (Lindsley  ¶2); and reciprocity, which is when one person reveals something about him or herself, the other person tend to reply with similar information (Miller 169). Reciprocity is seen as a way to establish trust, and once trust is established there is little concern since unilateral disclosure carries little risk (Porter  ¶25 ). Finally at the end of the movie, they move to stable exchange where in the final scene Claire kisses John and Andrew kisses Allison. The group of five students, who at first did not get along have become close friends in the end enriched with communication, candidness [and] emotion (Brown 89 ) In most cases people desire to have the stable exchange, which is the final stage of the theory. In order to obtain the final stage people as we seen in The Breakfast Club one must learn to break down the barriers that they have built upShow MoreRelatedSocial Penetration Theory : Crazy, Love1117 Words   |  5 PagesMaggie Decena Professor McNelis September 22nd, 2017 Application of Social Penetration Theory The film Crazy, Stupid, Love depicts the dissolution of Cal Weaver’s once perfect life. High school sweethearts living in a suburban town with steady jobs and kids, Cal and his wife Emily share the illusion of a picture-perfect love story. However, when Emily reveals her act of adultery, she asks Cal for a divorce. Cal falls into a deep depression that leads him to bask in his sorrows at singles barsRead MoreSocial Penetration Theory By Irwin Altman And Dalmas1511 Words   |  7 Pages Irwin Altman and Dalmas introduces Social Penetration theory in chapter 8 and they explain the theory as â€Å"the idea that relationships become more intimate over time when partners disclose more and more information about themselves† (Littlejhon, 2002). This paper will showcase social media and how it relates to how individuals self-disclose in social penetration theory. A short history of social media and the direction it’s headed will also be included. Facebook, a platform has become a phenomenonRead MoreThe Social Penetration Theory1548 Words   |  7 PagesThe Social Penetration Theory People often times fail to realize how their communication can greatly impact their social interactions as well as aid in the formation of strong intimate relationships they may hold with their friends or even their significant other. We use communication in many forms, whether verbal or non-verbal to gain a better understanding of one another and to reduce our uncertainty towards each other. By allowing ourselves to take part in the communication process, we thereforeRead MoreSocial Penetration Theory Is Defined As The Process Of Bonding1198 Words   |  5 PagesAccording to Irwin Altman and Dalmas Taylor, Social Penetration Theory is defined as the process of bonding that moves a relationship from superficial to more intimate. The theory can be perceived as a game plan for people, especially in a relationship. 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To present Social Penetration Theory, I am choosing to write about a personal experience on how my best friend Taylor and I became close. I will be explaining on how Taylor and I developed our relationship overtime through self-dis closure and personality structure. As TaylorRead MoreThe Social Penetration Theory Of Communication1509 Words   |  7 Pages The Social Penetration Theory and Its Application to Plot Lines for Successful Films Everyone goes through situations in which they form new relationships with people they previously did not know. For example, when a student moves onto a college campus for his or her freshman year, the student will have to go through the process of making new friends and getting to know his or her roommate. The social penetration theory of communication explains how new relationships form

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Stroz Friedberg Harvard Case Study - 1164 Words

Margarita Correal Stroz Friedberg Harvard Case Study Where they are: Stroz Friedberg based their business model around the talent. â€Å"When we find a talented person in a particular location, we set up a new office there.† This was a very successful strategy as a start up firm. Ride on big names from the industry until creating a reputation of their own, but as they grew their issues became more obvious. Profit came from consulting and e-discovery services with a 30/70 revenue. The market started to shift toward e-discovery and with the acquisition of Docuity SF created an ambitious new profit target of $72 million, 50% from consulting and 50% from e-discovery. This economic goal set a clear path towards e-discovery and larger role of examiners in the organization. However since the start of their success Stroz Friedberg had a problem with its organizational structure. Like many startups it’s holistic approach gave them success but as they grew those practices became unsustainable for a company that large. SF main issues where derived from its lack of a clear organizational structure, barriers in communications and lack of organizational justice. Evaluating these issues is key to creating sustainable solutions and understanding the recommendations of the consulting firm. Lack of Organizational Structure Vision, Mission and Goals Problems in the Culture: Organizational Change (acquisitions) †¢ No clear vision, mission or objectives. †¢ Ever changing competitiveShow MoreRelatedEngaging Privacy and Information Technology in a Digital Age12587 Words   |  51 Pages Philosophical approaches to the study of privacy have centered on the elucidation of the basic concept and the normative questions around whether privacy is a right, a good in itself, or an instrumental good. Economic approaches to the question have centered around the value, in economic terms, of privacy, both in its role in the information needed for efficient markets and in the value of information as a piece of property. Sociological approaches to the study of privacy have emphasized the ways

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Effects of Diabetes Free Essays

Diabetes affects the body’s ability to use blood sugar for energy. The main types of diabetes include type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. A person with uncontrolled diabetes can run into a lot of problems later in life. We will write a custom essay sample on Effects of Diabetes or any similar topic only for you Order Now If not controlled, diabetes can put you at risk for a multitude of complications that can affect nearly every organ in the body. These organs may include, the heart and blood vessels, the eyes, the kidneys, the nerve endings, and also the gums and teeth. Later in life a woman with uncontrolled diabetes can also face problems in her pregnancy. A person living with diabetes has a normal life for the most part, if they maintain a healthy diet and keep their diabetes under controlled, however, if it is not controlled it may lead to high risks complications, for example losing a toe, or even their eyesight. I have been a diabetic for half of my life, since the age of 12 years old. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication for one to control their diabetes, but once it is in control, you can live a very normal life! Diabetes is a disease that affects the body’s use and production of insulin. Insulin is important because it is used to move sugar or glucose through the bloodstream to many cells that need it for best possible function in our body. In someone dealing with diabetes, the sugar in their bloodstream is not being used, which then results in high blood sugar levels. With proper management and control of the disease, many of the diabetic complications people can face can be avoided or their complications less harmful. In uncontrolled diabetes, the complications or effects of diabetes can be far reaching, dangerous and quite devastating. There already is an increased risk for heart disease even for one whose diabetes is under control, but it is more for someone whose diabetes is not properly controlled with medications, dietary changes or the right doctor supervision. This type of uncontrolled diabetes can lead to damage of various blood vessels, cause hypertension and increase the amounts of cholesterol in the bloodstream, all of which puts one at greater risk for stroke and heart attack. Heart disease and blood vessel disease are the biggest complications that people with uncontrolled diabetes face. Approximately 65% of death from diabetes is due to heart disease and stroke. Diabetes can also cause poor blood flow in the legs and feet also known as peripheral artery disease. Many studies show that controlling diabetes can prevent or stop the progression of heart and blood vessel disease. Blood vessel damage or nerve damage can also lead to foot problems that can lead to amputations. Most of leg and foot amputations not related to an injury are due to patients whom do not have their diabetes under control. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in the U. S. Uncontrolled diabetes can cause a number of eye problems, some of which can lead to blindness if not treated properly and taken care of immediately. Some eye disorders caused by uncontrolled diabetes include: Glaucoma, Cataracts, and also Diabetic Retinopathy. My cousin is an eye doctor and she always stresses to me how important it is for me to get my eyes checked yearly. She has said that studies show that having a regular eye exam, and your eyes dilated, along with timely treatment of diabetes-related eye problems could prevent up to 90% of blindness related to diabetes. Along with blindness, diabetes is also known to be the leading cause of kidney failure in adults in the U. S. Drugs than drugs that lower blood pressure, even if you don’t have high blood pressure. Over time, high blood sugar levels can harm the nerves. This can lead to loss of sensation or feeling which usually starts in the toes or pain and a burning sensation of the feet. Diabetes related nerve damage can also cause pain in the legs, arms, and hands, and can cause problems with digestion, going to the bathroom, or even having sex. People with diabetes are at high risk for gum disease. Keeping your diabetes under control, seeing your dentist regularly, and taking good daily care of your teeth can prevent gum disease and tooth loss. In a patient dealing with uncontrolled diabetes during or before pregnancy, many complications could arise. These might include miscarriages, birth defects or extremely large babies that could result in a difficult vaginal delivery or emergency cesarean section. When my mom was pregnant with me she had gestational diabetes and when I was delivered, she had to have a c-section, because I was 10 lbs! To control your diabetes take time and effort, but it is possible! No two people’s diabetes is quite the same. This is due to the endless varieties of responses and treatments; the management of one’s diabetes depends mainly on individualized plans. Meal and exercise plans are very important in the treatment of all kinds of diabetes. These plans help control weight, blood sugars levels, and help reduce the chances of needing additional medications. A healthy diet should include avoiding sugar, eating low fat and high fiber foods. Meals should be eaten regularly and at least three times a day to control blood sugar levels. The exercise for diabetics, help maintain muscle tone and physical fitness, it also helps to increase feeling to medications by making the blood circulate to all areas of the body and to lower blood sugar levels. As a diabetic if you do not follow these simple precautions and take your medications, you are setting yourself up for failure! Eating right and exercise helps a lot, and as a diabetic I can sure vouch for it! In conclusion, diabetes is a very serious disease that attacks millions of people around the world. It can strike at any age and can happen to anyone. The best way to manage your diabetes is to lose weight, and to maintain a good exercise program and a healthy eating plan. If a healthy diet is not kept up, then life-threatening complications may arise. If a diabetic takes care of themselves by exercising and eating right, then their life can be just as happy as anyone else’s. How to cite Effects of Diabetes, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Consumer Behaviour Related to Myer Australia - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theConsumer Behaviour Related to Myer Australia. Answer: About the company The founder of the company was Sidney Myer and he was one of the great philanthropists of Australia. Myer was found in the year 1899. The store has continued its legacy since then. The company is Australias largest departmental store, which has a full line of products (, 2017). It has around 60 stores all over Australia in the prime locations. The company maintains a strong relationship with the community and the partnerships are meaningful with the local communities. The company has made many investments in the local communities. Myer has focused on many community partnerships and the company has given importance to charity and cash donations. Services, processes and communication available in the website Myer has a full proof website to support the customers. The company has a variety of products including men and women garments, beauty products, kids products, all types of home products including kitchen, dining, bedroom and bathroom products, travel goods, furniture and goods and also electrical appliances. The company website provides detailed information regarding each product and the price of the products is also given. The promotional offers and the offers related to clearance sale are provided in the website. Facilities of contacting directly with the company are provided in the customer support section of the website (Wilson et al., 2012). Effect of these services on consumer decision making The information provided in the website of the company has a lot of impact on the behavior of the consumer related to the products. Consumer behavior is the process by which the activities of the individuals or groups of people is studied in relation to the purchase and use of services or goods. Consumer behavior plays an important role in the formation of marketing strategies of an organization (Solomon, 2014). The psychology and behavior of the consumer towards the products or services offered by the company impact the formation of their marketing strategies. In this case, the website of Myer is designed keeping in mind the behavior of the consumers. Accordingly, customer support is provided so that the company can connect with the consumers and change their offerings according to the needs of the consumers. The needs of the consumer are assessed by the company and the changes are made with respect to the same. The alternatives that can be provided are also analyzed in this case. After sales service is provided by the organization with the help of customer support in the website. This reassures the consumer even after he has purchased the product (Mullen Johnson, 2013). There are four different models of consumer decision making, which are the economic model, which states that the consumers are capable of taking rational decisions, passive view model, which states that the consumers take the decisions with respect to the promotional activities done by the company, cognitive model, which states that the consumers take decisions based on their own understanding and interests and emotional model, which states the emotional aspects of the consumers play an important role in their decision making process (Lantos, 2015). The website of Myer provides the products and offerings according to the specific needs of the consumers. Gifts and gift cards can also be purchased from the website according to the needs of the consumers. The company also provides memberships for the consumers, which is called Myer One. The customers receive rewards through their shopping if they are the members of this store. These rewards can be used to buy new products. Information related to the pricing policy of the organization is provided in the company website. With the help of this information, the consumers can decide about the products or services they want to purchase and from which organization (Oliver, 2014). The psychological process of the consumer has an impact on the decision-making. If the consumers have a pleasant experience in the shopping process there are high chances of them coming back to the same store. Behavior of the consumers determine their loyalty towards the brand. The consumers can provide their feedback related to their experience through the feedback form available in the website (, 2017). Recommendations The products that are offered in the website of the company are not provided with free delivery options. The customer has to collect the product from the stores. Providing free doorstep delivery will increase the area of service of the company and will help in gaining more consumers. The reason being that the consumers more linked to online shopping can use this website and the behavior towards the organization changes. Conclusion From the above analysis it is evident that consumer behavior is an important factor related to the marketing activities of the organization. The organization needs to understand the requirements and interests of the consumers. With the help of this understanding the target consumers are decided by the company and the accordingly the products are promoted. References Lantos, G. P. (2015).Consumer behavior in action: Real-life applications for marketing managers. Routledge. Mullen, B., Johnson, C. (2013).The psychology of consumer behavior. Psychology Press. (2017).Feedback Form.Myer. Retrieved 20 October 2017, from (2017).founder.Myer. Retrieved 20 October 2017, from Oliver, R. L. (2014).Satisfaction: A behavioral perspective on the consumer. Routledge. Solomon, M. R. (2014).Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being(Vol. 10). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Wilson, A., Zeithaml, V. A., Bitner, M. J., Gremler, D. D. (2012).Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm. McGraw Hill.

Friday, November 29, 2019

PVA and Sodium Borate Crosslinks Essay Sample free essay sample

A 5 to 1 ratio of PVA and Na borate creates crosslinks with the polymer to bring forth a ball-like solid without compromising the coveted ability to resile. stretch and maintain form through utmost temperature. Introduction:Polyvinyl intoxicant is a polymer that when combined with Na borate creates covalent crosslinking bonds between the polymers. which change the solution from a liquid into a jelly-like solid that can be formed into a ball. 2 A polymer is a concatenation made of units combined in the same linkage throughout the full substance. 2 Polymers are used extensively in today’s universe to make paper. motorcycle tyres. plastic. PVC and many other family common points. 3 The bonds in the polymer are cross-linked ; therefore the ball should be flexible and have the ability to stretch well. 2 Due to the fact that the Na borate is the solution that causes hydrogen bonds. which do non keep the ball together. we can presume that the greater sums of Na borate will do the ball to hold unsought belongingss and fall apart. We will write a custom essay sample on PVA and Sodium Borate Crosslinks Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ? By maintaining the sum of borax used changeless and altering the sum of PVA the experiment should demo which ratio is better suited for the end of making a ball. The ball needed to be able to resile. non fall apart. be flexible but come back to its original form after stretching. be atoxic. odorless. and easy to do in order to take down fabrication costs. After happening the top two ratios they will be tested in cold and hot conditions that are similar to the countries in which the balls will be shipped. The ice bath represents Alaska and the hot bath represents New Mexico. The undermentioned image shows the crosslinking between the PVA and Na borate. The borate ion has bonded with the hydroxyl ( OH ) groups of the polymer and links them together. ? The molecular expression of PVA is [ -CH2CHOH- ] N and the chemical construction of Na borate is Na2B4O7. DiagramBorate ions crosslinking with the PVA ironss. While executing the experiment safety goggles should be worn at all times and baseball mitts should be worn at all times while pouring the solutions and managing the gel. Do non savor the gel or acquire it on your apparels because it can stain. ? Procedure for Experiment 1: 1. In three separate 10 milliliter graduated cylinders step out 10 milliliters PVA. 8 mL PVA and 6 milliliter PVA. 2. In three separate 10 milliliter graduated cylinders step out 2 milliliters sodium borate. 2 mL Na borate and 2 milliliter Na borate. 3. In one 250 milliliter beaker combine 10 milliliter PVA and 2 milliliter Na borate. 4. For a minute hold the beaker and twirl it so the contents can unite. Put to the side. 5. In a 250 milliliter beaker combine 8 milliliter PVA and 2 milliliter Na borate. 6. For a minute hold the beaker and twirl it so the contents can unite. Put to the side. 7. In a 250 milliliter beaker combine 6 milliliter PVA and 2 milliliter Na borate. 8. For a minute hold the beaker and twirl it so the contents can unite. Put to the side. 9. Taking the first beaker that is keeping the 10 milliliter PVA and 2 milliliter Na borate scoop out the contents with your manus and for 20 seconds roll your custodies together to organize a ball with the gel. 10. Test its bou nciness ability by dropping it on the tabular array and utilizing a swayer mensurating how high it bounced. Record. 11. Test its ability to stretch by keeping it between two fingers and swinging above the tabular array. Use a swayer to enter how long it stretches before interrupting. Record. 12. Repeat stairss 9-11 with the other two beakers and their contents. After seeing the consequence we decided to seek one more ratio that had the lowest sum of Na borate. 1. In a calibrated cylinder step out 6 milliliters PVA. 2. in a calibrated cylinder step out 1 milliliters sodium borate.3. In a 250 milliliter beaker combine the 6 milliliters PVA with the 1 milliliter Na borate. 4. For a minute hold the beaker and twirl it so the contents can unite. 5. Scoop out the contents by manus and for 20 seconds roll your custodies together to organize a ball with the gel. 6. Test its bounciness ability and stretch ability like the old experiment. Record. Procedure for Experiment 2: Making the Balls:1. Measure out 6 milliliters of PVA into a calibrated cylinder. step out 10 milliliter PVA into another graduated cylinder. 2. Measure out 2 milliliters of Na borate into a calibrated cylinder. step out 1 milliliters sodium borate into another graduated cylinder. 3. In one 250 milliliter beaker pour the 6 milliliter PVA so add the 1 milliliter Na borate. 4. For a minute hold the beaker and twirl it so the contents can unite. Put to the side. 5. In one 250 milliliter beaker pour the 10 milliliter PVA and so add the 2 milliliter Na borate. 6. For a minute hold the beaker and twirl it so the contents can unite. Put to the side. 7. Repeat stairss 1-6. This will ensue in two balls of the 6 milliliter PVA and 1 milliliter Na borate and two balls of the 10 milliliter PVA and 2 milliliter Na borate. Ice Bath: 1. While the contents are resting set up an ice bath. in a 400 milliliter beaker fill middle with ice and so add H2O to the top marker. 2. Put up a thermometer base and lodge the terminal of the thermometer into the ice H2O. 3. The H2O should be at 1Â °C. Keep ticker of the thermometer readings and add ice to maintain it at a steady temperature. 4. Using the beaker with the solution of 10 milliliters PVA and 2 milliliter borax. lift out out the contents with your custodies and for 30 seconds roll it into a ball. 5. Once the ball is formed topographic point it into the ice bath that should be at 1Â °C. 6. Let sit for 2 proceedingss and record any alterations you observe. 7. With your custodies pull the ball out of the ice bath. Record any alterations in the manner it feels. 8. Test its resiling ability by dropping it a foot high above the tabular array and utilizing to ruler to mensurate the tallness it bounced. record observations. 9. Keep the ball in one manus and see how far it s tretches utilizing a swayer when allowed to swing. Record. 10. Repeats steps 1-6 utilizing the solution of 6 milliliters PVA and 1 milliliter borax. Heat Home plate: 1. While your contents are resting set up a hot bath. in a 400 milliliter beaker fill to the top marker with H2O. 2. Topographic point beaker on a hot home base and set to a scene of four. 3. Put up a thermometer base and lodge the terminal of the thermometer into the H2O. 4. The H2O should be at 35Â °C. set the heat scene as the experiment continues in order to maintain it at a steady temperature. 5. Using the 2nd beaker with the solution of 10 milliliters PVA and 2 milliliter borax. lift out out the contents with your custodies and for 30 seconds roll it into a ball. 6. Once the ball is formed topographic point it into the hot bath that should be at 35Â °C. 7. Let sit for 2 proceedingss and record any alterations you observe. 8. With your custodies and a stick if needed pull the ball out of the ice back. Record any alterations. 9. Test its resiling ability by dropping it from a pes above the tabular array and utilizing a swayer to mensurate the tallness it bounces. record observa tions. 10. Keep the ball in one manus and see how far it stretches utilizing a swayer when allowed to swing. Record. 11. Repeat stairss 1-6 utilizing the solution of 6 milliliters PVA and 1 milliliter borax. 10 Minute Cold Water Experiment: 1. Fill two 400 milliliter beakers halfway with ice. so to the top line with H2O. 2. Put up two thermometers. set one thermometer into each beaker. 3. The temperature should be at 1Â °C. add more ice as needed throughout the experiment so the temperature is steady. 4. Take both the 10 milliliter PVA: 2 milliliter Borax ball and the 6 milliliter PVA: 1 milliliter Borax ball from the old cold H2O experiment and set them into their separate beakers. ( Make sure to take note which ball goes into which beaker ) 5. Let sit for 10 proceedingss entering any alterations. do certain temperature is changeless. 6. Remove both balls from the H2O with custodies. 7. Perform the bounciness trial on each. record.8. Perform the stretch trial on each. record.Datas:Experiment 1: Finding the Best RatioSolution| Color/Texture| Bounce Test| Stretch Test| Other Observations| 10 milliliter PVA2 milliliter borax| Clear/cold to touch and gelatinlike | Bounced 2 inches| 14 inches| In the beaker formed a gel but with liquid left over environing it. Went back into its ball form after being stretched. Didn’t stick to custodies or tabular array. | 8 milliliter PVA2 milliliter borax| Clear/cold to touch and gelatinous| Bounced 1 inch| 7-1/2 inches| In the beaker formed a gel but with liquid left over. had less liquid than the 10 PVA: 2 Borax solution. Fell apart after being stretched. | 6 milliliter PVA2 milliliter borax| Clear/cold to touch and gelatinous| Did non bounce| 2 inches| Formed into a jelly with no liquid left over. stuck to bottom of container and doesn’t move about. Stretched 2 inches and stuck to baseball mitts. | 6 milliliter PVA1 milliliter borax| Clear with little white coloring/cold to touch and gelatinous| Bounced 2 inches| 11 inches ( but stretched really easy ) | Formed a gel with really small liquid left over. after stretching it formed back into a ball. In experiment one we foremost believed that the ratio of 6:2 ( PVA to SB ) would be the best because it had no liquid left over which means we wouldn’t be blowing solution. However when organizing the ball the solid absorbed the liquid and formed a ball that could be flexible and ductile. From experiment one we concluded the two best ratios were of the 5:1 and 6:1 and were traveling to be tested for their behaviour in utmost temperatures. Experiment 2: Testing Exposure to Cold ( Alaska )Solution| Time in Ice Bath| Color/Texture| Bounce Test| Stretch Test| Other Observations| 10 milliliter PVA. 2 mL Borax| 2 minutes| Same colour ( clear ) /slimy| Doesn’t bounce| 15 cm| Slightly breaks when bounced. but instantly comes back together. as it warms up from custodies it starts to be able to resile once more. Within a minute of room temperature it is back to normal. | 6 milliliter PVA. 1 mL Borax| 2 minutes| Same colour ( clear ) /slimy| Bounces really somewhat. 1 inch| 30 cm| Slightly breaks when bounced ( but non every bit much as 10:2 ball ) . but instantly comes back together. as it warms up from custodies it starts to be able to resile once more. Within a minute of room temperature it is back to normal. By proving for cold for two proceedingss we saw how each ball would respond when in the cold for a short period of clip. such as if a child was walking from the auto into the house. Both were satisfactory and able to come back to its original form and belongingss. Testing Exposure to Heat ( New Mexico ) Solution| Time in Hot Bath| Color/Texture| Bounce Test| Stretch Test| Other Observations| 10 milliliter PVA. 2 mL Borax| 2 minutes| Same colour ( clear ) /very slimy. gooey| Can non finish bounciness test| Can non finish stretch test| Turned to goo about instantly. sinks to bottom into an egg-shaped form. can non be pulled out because it merely falls apart into the water| 6 milliliter PVA. 1 mL Borax| 2 minutes| Same colour ( clear ) /very slimy. gooey| Can non finish bounciness test| Can non finish stretch test| Turned to goo about instantly. sinks to bottom into an egg-shaped form. can non be pulled out because it merely falls apart into the water| By proving for heat we were able to find if the balls could manage the temperature of New Mexico where they were being shipped from. From the consequences we can reason that neither of the ratios are able to keep their form when exposed to higher temperatures. Testing Drawn-out Exposure to ColdSolution| Time in Ice Bath| Color/Texture| Bounce Test| Stretch Test| Other Observations| 10 milliliter PVA. 2 mL Borax| 10 minutes| Same colour ( clear ) /slimy| Doesn’t bounce| 32 cm| When bounced it instantly breaks and doesn’t come back together on its ain. it can be rolled back into a ball form for the stretch trial. As it warms up it begins to be able to resile once more. | 6 milliliter PVA. 1 mL Borax| 10 minutes| Same colour ( clear ) /slimy| Bounces really somewhat. 1 inch| 45 cm| Slightly breaks when bounced ( but non every bit much as 10:2 ball ) . but instantly comes back together. as it warms up from custodies it starts to be able to resile once more. Within a minute of room temperature it is back to normal. | By maintaining the balls in the H2O for an drawn-out sum of clip we were able to see how cold affected their belongingss. The 6:1 ratio was somewhat stronger and maintained and regained its form faster. Decision: By uniting legion ratios of PVA and borax the most effectual combination was of the 6 milliliter of PVA and 1 milliliter borax. It non merely uses the least sum of each solution which would optimise fabrication costs but it retains its ability to resile and stretch when put through extreme cold temperatures. However this merchandise will non work good in hot countries such as New Mexico. The heat from the H2O caused the viscousness of the merchandise to alter ; it fell apart in the H2O and could non be handled. it merely slips off of the setup being used to draw it out. Once the H2O is poured out of the beaker and the merchandise was allowed to chill it lodge to the surface it was on and did non travel back to its original ball-like form. Originally the combination of 6 milliliters PVA and 2 milliliter borax was believed to be the best combination because it did non hold liquid left over in its beaker ; nevertheless the borax caused the merchandise to lose some of its belongingss tha t come from the polymer PVA. It lost its flexibleness wouldn’t signifier into a proper ball. Research: Polymers. particularly polyvinyl intoxicant. are highly utile in today’s universe and in medical specialty. By utilizing the known belongingss of PVA scientists can expect how it will respond with other solutions and utilize these hypothesis’ to develop new merchandises. That is what we did in this lab. cognizing Na borate creates crosslinks with the ironss in PVA we were able to plan a ball that could keep its form but remain ductile. In today’s scientific discipline PVA is being used to make transdermic spots. encapsulation of systems that deliver drugs and in dressing of lesions. Citing: 1Nuffield Foundation. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. nuffieldfoundation. org/practical-chemistry/pva-polymer-slime 2RSC: Advancing the Chemical Sciences. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. rsc. org/Education/EiC/issues/2005_Jan/exhibition. asp 3Materials Science. hypertext transfer protocol: //dsc. find. com/tv-shows/curiosity/topics/polymer-based-products-you-use-every-day. htm ?Basque Research. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. basqueresearch. com/berria_irakurri. asp? Berri_Kod=3894 A ; hizk=I ?Slime A ; Superballs. hypertext transfer protocol: //icn2. umeche. Maine. edu/newnav/Homepage/Highschool/Slime/lecpolymers2. htm 6Science of Slime. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. ccmr. Cornell. edu/education/modules/documents/ScienceofSlime_student. pdf

Monday, November 25, 2019

Drama Summary - Oedipus the King essays

Drama Summary - Oedipus the King essays Theres nothing more terrible a human when he is corrupted. Sophocles The story of Oedipus, one of the first examples of a tragic hero, is of a man plunged suddenly from prosperity and power to ruin and disrepute. We see him at the height and the depth of his worldly fortunes. Oedipus, whom in the first scene the Priest calls the first of men, to whom all knees are bent, is at the end of the play polluted, blind, banished from the land he ruled and loved and from the people who lovingly obeyed him. The city of Thebes(which is a real city yet people or events are totally mythical) is ruled by Oedipus, saver of the city, the one who answered the riddle of Sphinx, the monster which was threatening the city, faces a danger. His city is cursed with plague and pollution. People of Thebes once again come to Oedipus, ask him, beg him to save them once again. Oedipus answers them, says he does not know why are all those evil is because but hopes that they will know the reason for he has sent Creon, his wife Jocastas brother and his trusted friend, also the second most powerful man in Thebes, to the temple of Apollon to ask the god the reason of this evil. Right after Oedipus speaks his people Creon returns with the answer and demand of Apollon. He says Apollon said all the evil is because of an unsolved mystery, unpunished criminal and he wants the mystery of former kings, former husband of Oedipus wife, Laius death to be solved, the murder to be banished or shedding blood for blood. With the reason and solution of the curse Oedipus swears in front of his people that he will not rest till this mystery is solved, the murder is found and punished and he also curses the murder and those whoever helps him. He asks his people to say, if any one of them knows the murder or his whereabout to speak and promises those who speak that moment will not be punished. After his people...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Assess Mill's contribution to the philosophical understanding of the Essay

Assess Mill's contribution to the philosophical understanding of the value of individuality - Essay Example Throughout the paper, a detailed discussion will critically evaluate Mill’s contribution to the philosophical understanding to the value of individuality by examining key issues of debate, such as the context of both civil society and civil liberty, the elements of well-being, and an inquiry into social limits or constraints placed over an individual by means of laws and authority figures. In the course of On Liberty, Mill states two principles of demarcation. Although Mill raises serious objections to his first principle that suggests that the â€Å"only legitimate grounds for social coercion is to prevent someone from doing harm to others† (Mill, 1978, xv), he then suggests its defect by illustrating a second principle of demarcation. Although stating objections to his own principles, Mill attempts to allow the reader to appreciate the problem that he is addressing and to participate in his critical inquiry. (Mill, 1978, xvi) The basic subject of his essay remains a philosophical necessity, as it explains the â€Å"nature and limits of the power which can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual†. (Mill, 1978, 1) As Mill remains a figure of direct contribution, his inquiries uncover the struggle between liberty and authority. Specifically, through a historical context, Mill’s contribution finds itself dealing with the earliest an d most familiar area of authority, particularly in that of Greece, Rome, and England. (Mill, 1978, 1) Accordingly, the liberty of an individual associates its meaning as â€Å"the protection against the tyranny of the political rulers.† (Mill, 1978, 1) Mill assesses the idea of society and its ability to execute wrong mandates instead of right, in which he claims it â€Å"practices a social tyranny† because it objects to the formation of any individuality that may form as a result of independent ideas and practices. (Mill, 1978, 1) Mill continues to debate

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Principles of Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Principles of Economics - Assignment Example The problem of alcohol abuse is not easily overcome because alcohol is highly addictive. In this case, if the alcohol abuser is an economist, he or she will consider many things that he or she would use to help him or her overcome the situation. They will look at the opportunity cost whereby they will consider buying those goods that are best for their health such as food other than alcohol that would cause a problem to his or her health (Mantzavinos 64). Additionally, they will use cost benefit analysis by viewing the benefits accrued from stopping the habit of alcohol consumption. In this case, the benefit of stopping consuming alcohol is higher than continuing with the habit (Porter 1998). For instance, there is wastage of money in purchasing alcohol. They would rather use the same money can be used to buy other important things. More so, they will consider rational behavior by assuming actions that are necessary when they stop consuming alcohol. Further, an economist would look at the market forces of demand and supply of alcohol in that they will analyze the level at which alcohol is supplied to the market and the price that alcohol come with. When the supply is not sufficient, they would prefer to stop drinking alcohol rather than continuing with the habit of looking for a commodity that is scarce and costly. More so, they will consider the level at which alcohol is demanded; therefore, they will analyze the possible outcomes o f many people drinking alcohol. The possible way to help alcohol abuser is to assist them to realize that they have alcohol consumption problem. Friends and family members can help make the abuser realize that alcohol drinking is affecting them in that they strained economically because the money that can be used to purchase basic commodity is used to buy alcohol. The abuser should be willing to look for assistance given that consumption of alcohol is dangerous to an individual’s health.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Circuit analysis lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Circuit analysis - Lab Report Example According to ( Sharma)â€Å"Potentiometer also known as pot is generally used in circuits to provide variable resistance or variable voltage†. Here, the transmission of power is possible with DC voltage hence DC ground components are loaded in the software to aid the experiment. The main objective of the study is to understand the relationship between circuit configuration and other components in determining the output of current to the circuit. In the experiment, the main two components are the potentiometer and the LED. For this study, the integral platform is the Multisim software which aids in circuit simulation and designing which in turn gives chance to the researcher to create analyze and optimize circuit board. Here the main objective is to utilize the ideal software like multisim because it helps the experimenter in circuit designing and voltage valuation. The experiment is conducted with the help of Multisim software where circuits in different configuration like parallel, combination and two components are set up. In the first step, the circuit measurements are taken and are fed in to the software. Next through the multisim software, the circuit is constructed. For this purpose, the design layout is used and for the experiment with components the resistor tool section in the software is used. Then the component label is set as R1 and R2 and value is set as 2.2 Kâ„ ¦ and 5.1kâ„ ¦ respectively. Next, the R2 component is arranged vertically by rotating it 90 degree. Then the DC voltage and DC ground components are added in the software with this the component insertion occurs and the sample circuit is showcased in the software space. Further in the experiment the wires are added with voltage value which is 2.1â„ ¦. Then the multimeter is placed above each resistor to gauge the â€Å"voltage drop† and these are called â€Å"XMM1† and â€Å"XMM2† respectively. Later the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The importance of communication in aviation

The importance of communication in aviation Academic Research Paper Aircraft is acknowledged as the most straightforward route for transportation on the planet. It is constantly utilized as a real and useful transportation across urban communities and countries. Subsequently the impact of aeronautics well being on human life is fundamentally essential. It is likewise extremely essential to give a careful consideration and be mindful of any conditions that may influence the well being issue in the field of aeronautics. Since the past aircraft crashes, it is evident that numerous aircraft calamities have been happened inside distinctive circumstances and causes. Communication difficulties and errors have been considered as a major factor in aircraft crashes. Ricard has mentioned â€Å"Air Traffic Control Management service methods are principles of technologies which were launched in 1950’s. From 1950 the Air Traffic Control Management were using a simple swapping of voice among the Air Traffic Controller and pilot.† The most paramount co mponents that could be included in correspondence failure are because of lapses including people. Hence, misconstruing, absence of imparting plans and absence of clearness in configuration briefs, innovation and association disappointments, are some of numerous issues in conveying inside the aviation field. Regardless of the imperativeness of the above issues in flight calamities, one issue which is normal in numerous aircraft catastrophes is an absence of imparting data and information. Therefore in this paper I have tried to talk about the communication in aviation which includes the importance of communication between the pilot and the Air Traffic Controller and other numerous interchanges alongside the connection where the safety issues are introduced and effects of misleading communication and recommendations for improvements. Firstly. The importance of communication is that when the aircraft is service it needs to be guided step by step on every single movement or changes it goes through on its journey, if there is no one to guide the aircraft when it is in air then it is good as a flightless bird. During this journey of the aircraft from one destination to the other the worst scenario is expected as no one has clue of what could go wrong when. So at all times the aircraft has to feed the ground controllers with all the information and system changes that takes place to help maintain the aircraft safety. Now when the aircraft travel from one country to another then in order for the pilot or cockpit crew to communicate with that country Air Traffic controller it is impossible for the pilot to learn the respective language or the vice versa. If this was the case there will many difficulties and confusion in the communication so to avoid this it was identified that â€Å"English† will be used as the i nternational language to facilitate the communication as it is a must that everyone has to learn this common language. Even when it has been established that communication between the pilot and ground or pilot and cockpit crew is important for the safety of the flight, they still fail to feed the correct or insufficient information while communicating, for example there was an incident where the aircraft was to land in the Miami airport and the it had two problems one was that it was losing its altitude and the other one was the nose gear light wouldn’t work, so the air traffic controller was aware of the elevation problem but not nose gear and the cockpit crew was aware of the nose gear problem but not losing the altitude so when the air traffic controller contacted the pilot all he asked was â€Å"How are things coming along out there?† and pilot replied â€Å"OK† both of them were referring to a different problems and in while the plane crashed in to the ever glades. This is due to lack of information and knowledge. Secondly. The effects of miscommunication, miscommunication could cause massive disaster of the aircraft, as the pilot will take decisions based on the information he receives from the air traffic controller and if the air traffic controller interprets wrong information then the pilot’s calculations will go wrong. There are many reasons for miscommunication, due to faulty in the equipments which is used to communicate or not conveying messages properly. When one party conveying message to another they do not ensure that if the message has been properly passed on or not. Misconception is a basic sort of correspondence lapse. As stated by Krivonos, â€Å"from the past disasters the reasons of numerous flight debacles are because of false impression or listening to wrong data. He likewise showed that typically much of the time, individuals hear what they hope to hear instead of what is really said; thusly this desire is not generally right. In this circumstance, it is accepted t hat when individuals make presumptions from their desires, they decipher the message from the genuine mean and what should listen.† An alternate fault that could result in numerous mishaps and catastrophes is the off base verbal correspondence between the cockpit crew and the air traffic controller. Correspondence between cockpit crew and the controller are conceivable because of moving of data in information connection and radio. The connection of information decreases the possibility of misconception data between the ground controllers and cockpit crew on the other hand, the radio permits the ground controller to verify the pilots understanding and in the event of listening to wrong data, the direction will be transmitted in an alternate structure. Lastly. Recommendations for improvements in communication in aviation, the use of (SCAD) are a very useful. Therefore utilizing a framework to trade the data and information between the flight and the air traffic controller is vital in future advancement. Utilizing the satellite correspondence and a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) framework is needed for withdrawing information. The SCADA framework with incorporated control will assist to keep all advanced data and have the capacity to exchange information and files to diverse associations. The computerized data then might be transformed for further choice in Ground Control Management. As more than enough and right data is utilized for preparing, the best and the correct choice will be taken. SCADA is a structure that gathers information and data from many different standards of resource. In such circumstance sensors could be introduced in every aircraft to interpret all information to a focal area or processor for m anaging and withdrawal of paramount information. The best preference of SCADA is that it can consequently work without individual impedance thereby decreasing the danger of an individual failure. SCADA boost up the proficiency of getting information. This will reduce the measure of hazard that an aircraft could be in danger of. It empowers to gather information naturally and guarantee the right data being imparted and serves to decrease the amount of erroneous data that could be imparted by any aircraft organization. Morlet et al projected â€Å"the use of new advances, for example, satellite frameworks for information transmit and correspondence in flying. They brought up that the satellite correspondences will handle incredible achievement in transport administrators, for example, planes, ships, and trains. Presented utilizing expansive band satellite correspondence framework for administration in teams of aeronautical situations.† Radzik proposed a framework plan for get t o in air nautical provisions utilizing the same satellite connections as prompt inspiration of satellite interchanges for ground traffic control. The satellite framework permits imparting of data in the flight framework. In this manner, air movement controllers can accept more terrific understanding into administration, while pilots are answerable for staying off the beaten path of other flights. They called attention to that utilizing distinctive advances for diverse flight stages is essential in future. Thusly, in view of the past studies, a proposal is recommended for development of avionics framework administration. The aviation industry is expanding and even when there are many aircrafts accidents which are mostly due to miscommunication between the cockpit crew and air traffic controller. Communication is one of the vital things that aircraft requires when it is in service as without communication the aircraft is blinded, miscommunication could even make things worse which would ultimately end up with a catastrophic event and so it is necessary that correct measurements has to taken to improve communication by using Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCAD) and proper air traffic management. This change has to be carried out immediately and the result will be visible in the changes that have been made. Also requires more research on this idea and attempt more to reduce the aircraft crashes by vast number. In conclusion the communication is very important human factor which leads to many aircraft crashes and incidents while cruising and on ground. Therefore everyone in the aviation sector is obliged to have good communication skills, and should implement steps to reduce miscommunication. Word count: 1510

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Death Penalty :: essays papers

The Death Penalty "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." This is another way for someone to say they are supportive of the death penalty. The death penalty, to me, is revenge. It kills innocent people every year. Many of the families of victims do not want the criminals to be put to death. The death penalty costs more than a life sentence in jail. It is also racists. "Since 1976, there have been five hundred twenty-three executions in the United States, twenty-three in 1999 alone. There was only eleven before 1984. Then the number rose to twenty-one that year. The number of execution stayed around twenty then dropped to eleven in 1988. Then it steadily rose from there to seventy-four executions in 1997. That was the highest since 1976."(Death Penalty Information Center, P.1) There are many different methods of execution used by the government. The most common is lethal injection used by thirty-four states. Electrocution is another method, which is used by ten states. The gas chamber is used in five states. There are still two states today that use hanging as a method of execution. And two other states use a firing squad. The death penalty is also extremely racist. There have been significantly more executions of minorities than white Americans. Capital punishment also goes against the Constitution of the United States. Amendments eight and fourteen state that no cruel and unusual punishment can be inflicted, and no state can deprive any person of life liberty or property. The death penalty clearly takes these privileges away from American citizens. "More than 2000 people are on death row today. Virtually all are poor, a significant number are mentally retarded or other wise mentally disabled. More than forty percent are African American and disproportionate numbers are Native American, Latino, and Asian." (American Civil Liberties Union) It does not seem fair that only these people are dying. The Constitution states that everyone should be given a fair trial. These statistics do not prove to me that these people had a fair trial. Everybody makes mistakes. If a jury makes a mistake and a person is falsely accused of murder when they find out they messed up they want to take the

Monday, November 11, 2019

Cuban American education

A Cuban American is a United States citizen who traces his ancestry to Cuba. Many communities in the United States have many people from the Cuba American community. This cultural diversity has brought numerous debates on the nature of education to be offered on these citizens. Most of the Cuban immigrants settled in the St. Augustine, Florida. After the united states claimed Florida from Spain, most of the Cubans were mainstreamed into the American culture. The Cuban revolution led by Fidel Castro necessitated the increase in the number of the immigrants to the US.These immigrants were of different education backgrounds and different professions. Source:http://usinfo. state. gov/scv/history_geography_and_population/population_and_diversity/hispanic_americans. html Cuban American students have for long been considered at risk in the American educational system. A better understanding of the diverse cultural experiences can help to counteract this risk. This understanding, this paper enhances development of the students towards being responsible members of the wider society. The analyses given are based on the students’ background and how it affects their performance in the nation education.Student profiles based on various indicators of academic achievement and school orientation: low-achieving and weakly oriented, (2) low-achieving and strongly oriented, (3) high-achieving and moderately oriented, (4) high achieving and strongly oriented. This analyses show that most of the Cuban American low achievers and this greatly contributed poor quality of the private school which most of this children attend to. The local community cannot be able to collect tax in order to sustain the development of quality education because they are poor and they don’t have property where they can collect tax.(Jeanne, 2004) Most of children coming from the diverse backgrounds in the United States mostly attend the public school, which are able to offer the young learners with the first language skills. The children who speak language other than English come from working class homes. The public schools as such consider the individual needs of the different races within the United States by providing education for the minority of the different cultural backgrounds. Most private school usually use English as the only medium of communication and as such they charge highly.New York’s Lycee Francais uses French extensively; on the other hand Miami’s Loyola school uses Spanish extensively as the medium of communication. This shows that there is a big difference between the public schools and the private school in the United States in vary many divergent ways. This paper endeavors to present a vivid analysis of such trends of education their weaknesses, their strengths in relation the diverse culture. Dade country, Florida comprises the many cities such as Miami and Hialeah and other surrounding areas mostly contain large numbers of Hispanic populations.Most of these Hispanic populations are coming from Cuba and few come from Spain and Mexico. These Hispanic people use Spain as the language as the medium of communication. These schools within this context use Spanish language as the medium] of communication; they basically run by people of the Cuban origin. The schools, which offer such services in this Spanish language, are usually the public schools. The private schools are deemed to be expensive and they are for the elite people. The whole of this region there were two elite schools commonly attended by the Cuban American children whose parents enjoy the upper class status.The public school have been referred as ethic schools meant for the low income earners and in this region most people are very poor and as such they take their children to this public school. Those members of this similar region who enjoy the high economic statuses take their children to the private school basically meant for elite members of the c ommunity. Bilingual education policy has been a unity force in the United States. The children of Cuban American origin receive instructions at school in Spanish, which considered as their first language.The public schools prefer the use of the learners’ first language. This has created linguistic and curriculum disparity within the system of education. For instance the Cuban American children become more proficiency in Spanish than English. This denies Cuban American children a chance to communicate effectively later since the official language for communication in the United States is English. The current shift in terms of the education system is towards the bilingual education policy practice, which has been found to be the most effective way of considering the minority.Here the learners are given an opportunity to study under the many languages. For instance those children from the Spanish origin are allowed to study using Spanish and English. The English in this context is taught as the second language. The United States federal government supports such program of bilingual education, which is aimed at promoting equity and unity among the citizens. However it is factual that the bilingual education system has also created structures that perpetuate social and political divisions.In addition the bilingual education policy has been known as the major hindrance to the development of the English language. The first and second languages can be developed simultaneously in such public school setting. Despite the reforms, children and the teachers have not changed their behavior of cultural identity. The changes have not been implemented especially from the part of teachers and the communities. The inability to speak and understand English has denied most the native speakers national opportunities denying them a chance to participate actively in the education issues of national nature.The curriculum design has such is not uniform at all since the media of instructions use different divergent languages. In terms of curriculum there are different texts, teachers for students who use a different language than English. It was argued that there is no equality at all by providing students with the same facilities, textbooks, teachers and curriculum for students who do not understand English since they are bound to find their classroom lessons quite incomprehensible. This is considered imposition of rules that cannot assist an individual.The English basic skills are important in these public skills so as to equip the learner with necessary skills that can enhance national participation. But because the children cannot learn in a language they do not understand the first language should the initial medium of instruction and then English should be used as a second language. Education has the net effect of creating a better global economy, those who have done in the 21st century well. From this fundamental fact, 21st century is dependent on sc ience and technology that is why education is taking a new shift in the United States of America.The following are some of the indicators of the disparities experienced in the Cuban American education system. Inequity in School Financing School financing comes from three sources: Federal, state, and local funds (with most funds coming from states). Education has the largest expenditure in the state budget. Whether it is more expensive to educate Cuban Americans is not an issue for debate the issue is that the areas where Cuban American children reside are usually low-wealth areas that generate less funding from property taxes.In most cases, districts have to pass bond referendums to rebuild schools, which are often not supported by the general voting public. Therefore, school districts with concentrations of Cuban American students remain under funded and must seek other means of support. School Segregation and Poverty. Today, Cuban American students are experiencing higher rates of segregation in school systems than are any other group of students. A recent report of the Harvard Project on School Desegregation to the National School Boards Association describes the changing patterns of segregation and poverty.The study found that segregation by race is strongly correlated with segregation by poverty; and the study provides national data demonstrating that Cuban American students are much more likely than white students to be in schools that are segregated and poorly funded. Under representation of Cuban American among School Personnel Most of the administrators and educational policy makers are white who determine the nature of education system to be offered. A study conducted by Meier and Stuart, for instance, showed that Cuban American representation on school boards and in the teaching profession is of a very low number.On a general perspective there are too few Cuban American teachers, counselors, and administrators in the education system. Multicultural Training for School Personnel Teacher insensitivity to cultural and linguistic diversity often influences a student to become alienated from the school system teachers. Bilingual education is the use of two languages, one of which is English, as a means of instruction. This implies that an educator must be Spanish-speaking in order to be a good and effective instructor of Cuban American students. The problem can only be solved if enough teachers who have bilingual skills are recruited into the mainstream.Testing and Assessment. Many Latino students never reach their full potential due to inappropriate and inaccurate uses of testing and assessment. Conclusion It is recognized those generations of Cuban American students in U. S. public education are at risk due to serious inadequacies in the educational system. Thus far, the system has been unable to meet the needs of those students. Among other inequities, there continues to exist a disparity in school funding, a lack of effective B ilingual and ESL education programs, a lack of trained teachers, and a misuse of testing and assessment.The quality of education is always decreasing as time goes by in the Cuban Americans. These multiple factors have greatly contributed to decreasing rates of college attendance by the Cuban American students. This is because the educational structures favor the white and the rich people. Reforming of the public school is one very important way of promoting education of the Cuban American education. Testing and having a uniform curriculum will eventually decrease all these disparities caused by poverty and racial discrimination.Proper methods of funding the federal government should be considered to be the most suitable way of achieving common educational objectives. To address these issues and policy areas, effective educational models must incorporate high-quality standards, equitable financial support, and diverse language and cultural knowledge. Parent and school collaboration m ust be specified in all plans of action. Long-term, strategic plans must be developed through collaborative approaches with the public and private sectors at the local, state, and national level to monitor and to ensure a high standard of educational attainment among Cuban Americans.References Baker C. (2006). Policy and Practice in Bilingual Education: A Reader Extending the Foundations. Multilingual Publishers. Krashen, S. (1996). Under attack: The case against bilingual education. Culver City CA: Language Education Associates. Jeanne S. (2004). The Academic Achievement Challenge Guiford press. State Profiles Bilingual Education States' Bilingual Education status www. proenglish. org/issues/education/beindex. html [Education] Elite Cuban-American school admits black students www. uscsca. org/caaef. htm http://usinfo. state. gov/scv/history_geography_and_population/population_and_diversity/hispanic_americans. html

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Steve Hawking

Dr. Stephen Hawking has been considered to be more brilliant then Einstein. Dr. Hawking was born on January 8 1942 in Oxford, England on the 300th anniversary of Galileo’s death. Is this a coincidence? After his studies at St. Albans School, he attended University College, Oxford. He wanted to study Mathematics, but because it was unavailable at Oxford, he concentrated on Physics and earned a degree in Natural Science three years later. Stephen went on to Cambridge to do research in Cosmology. After attaining his Ph.D., he became a Professorial Fellow at Gonville and Caius College. He left the Institute of Astronomy to become a professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at Cambridge. He has held the post of Lacasian Professor of Mathematics since 1979. In the early 1960’s, Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with the dreadful disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (A.L.S.), an incurable degenerative neuromuscular disease, also known as Lou Gerhi g’s Disease. He has been paralyzed unable to use every muscle in his body. The only muscles he has use of are those around his eyes. This explains why Hawking has become a theoretician rather than a â€Å"hands-on† scientist. He spends hour after hour in his wheelchair pondering complex ideas and formulating mind bobbling equations in his head. Dr. Hawking’s work is primarily in the field of general relativity and in particular on the physics of black holes. He uses his theory on the origin of black holes to help explain the creation of the universe. In 1971 he suggested the formation (following the big bang), of numerous objects containing as much as 1,000,000,000 tons of mass but occupying only the space of a proton. These objects, called mini- black holes, are unique in that because of their immense mass and gravity, they are ruled by the laws if relativity, while their minute size requires that the laws of quantum mechanics apply to them also. In 1974, Hawk... Free Essays on Steve Hawking Free Essays on Steve Hawking Dr. Stephen Hawking has been considered to be more brilliant then Einstein. Dr. Hawking was born on January 8 1942 in Oxford, England on the 300th anniversary of Galileo’s death. Is this a coincidence? After his studies at St. Albans School, he attended University College, Oxford. He wanted to study Mathematics, but because it was unavailable at Oxford, he concentrated on Physics and earned a degree in Natural Science three years later. Stephen went on to Cambridge to do research in Cosmology. After attaining his Ph.D., he became a Professorial Fellow at Gonville and Caius College. He left the Institute of Astronomy to become a professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at Cambridge. He has held the post of Lacasian Professor of Mathematics since 1979. In the early 1960’s, Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with the dreadful disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (A.L.S.), an incurable degenerative neuromuscular disease, also known as Lou Gerhi g’s Disease. He has been paralyzed unable to use every muscle in his body. The only muscles he has use of are those around his eyes. This explains why Hawking has become a theoretician rather than a â€Å"hands-on† scientist. He spends hour after hour in his wheelchair pondering complex ideas and formulating mind bobbling equations in his head. Dr. Hawking’s work is primarily in the field of general relativity and in particular on the physics of black holes. He uses his theory on the origin of black holes to help explain the creation of the universe. In 1971 he suggested the formation (following the big bang), of numerous objects containing as much as 1,000,000,000 tons of mass but occupying only the space of a proton. These objects, called mini- black holes, are unique in that because of their immense mass and gravity, they are ruled by the laws if relativity, while their minute size requires that the laws of quantum mechanics apply to them also. In 1974, Hawk...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Roman Gods

The ancient Romand worshiped many gods, godesses and spirits, each of whom was responsible for a different part of life. Juno was the goddess of woman; Jupiter, the king of the gods was also the god of the sky; Mercury was the god of merchants; Wulcan the god of fire; Mars the god of war; Minerva the goddess of wisdom; Venus the goddess of fertility and love. The ancient Romans adopted gods and goddesses from other cultures as well. Bacchusor or Dionysus, the Greek god of wine; Cybelle, the Turkish goddess of motherhood; and Isis from the Egyptian pantheon who was concerned with reincarnation. Emperors and empresses were sometimes worshiped after their deaths. Emperors showed their devotion to their favored deities by building temples to them. Roman citizens left offerings such as food, milk, wine, money, jewels or statues at temple alters and engaged in ceremonies and animal sacrifices to win the gods approval. The Romans were generally accepting of other people’s religions but persecuted the Christians because, among other things, they displeased the gods by refusing to patricipate in such animal sacrifices and unjust ceremonies. Christianity finally because the official religion during the 4th century in Rome. The Romans built large temples for these many gods. They were often built in places that people believed were special to their gods. The Acropolis, in Greece is one of these places. In ancient Greece, the Greeksk alson believed in many gods and goddesses. The gods behaved much like ordinary people, but they had great wisdon. They were wiser, more cunning, and more powerful. The gods not only controlled nature, but they also controlled people’s fate. There were 12 main gods of the Greek belief, known as the Olympians. Some of the most famous included Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, and Apollo. When you walked into a Greek or Roman temple, you would find a statue of a god or goddess at the end of a long, dark... Free Essays on Roman Gods Free Essays on Roman Gods The ancient Romand worshiped many gods, godesses and spirits, each of whom was responsible for a different part of life. Juno was the goddess of woman; Jupiter, the king of the gods was also the god of the sky; Mercury was the god of merchants; Wulcan the god of fire; Mars the god of war; Minerva the goddess of wisdom; Venus the goddess of fertility and love. The ancient Romans adopted gods and goddesses from other cultures as well. Bacchusor or Dionysus, the Greek god of wine; Cybelle, the Turkish goddess of motherhood; and Isis from the Egyptian pantheon who was concerned with reincarnation. Emperors and empresses were sometimes worshiped after their deaths. Emperors showed their devotion to their favored deities by building temples to them. Roman citizens left offerings such as food, milk, wine, money, jewels or statues at temple alters and engaged in ceremonies and animal sacrifices to win the gods approval. The Romans were generally accepting of other people’s religions but persecuted the Christians because, among other things, they displeased the gods by refusing to patricipate in such animal sacrifices and unjust ceremonies. Christianity finally because the official religion during the 4th century in Rome. The Romans built large temples for these many gods. They were often built in places that people believed were special to their gods. The Acropolis, in Greece is one of these places. In ancient Greece, the Greeksk alson believed in many gods and goddesses. The gods behaved much like ordinary people, but they had great wisdon. They were wiser, more cunning, and more powerful. The gods not only controlled nature, but they also controlled people’s fate. There were 12 main gods of the Greek belief, known as the Olympians. Some of the most famous included Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, and Apollo. When you walked into a Greek or Roman temple, you would find a statue of a god or goddess at the end of a long, dark...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Mozart's Women Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Mozart's Women - Term Paper Example Don Juan changes with generations and the Magic Flute, part of the German folklore, has become a universal tale of striving through the trials and tribulations of life. Comparing the women of two operas has proven to be a false reality as most documentation has used fallacies which would be against the purpose of this paper. One example is shown is Kristi Brown's, Mozart's Women. She compared Donna Anna to a misfortunate Spanish maiden. She never once considered the social context whereas Mozart was writing an Italian opera only using the setting and subject matter of "Don Juan" with an 18th century interpretation as did Moliere use "Don Juan" in France in the precedent century. Social context were taken into account in both cases. During her lecture of Mozart's two operas, Mrs Brown never took mentioned the social context of the 18th century. It is the purpose of this paper to show how Mozart integrated the importance into his opera as a way to integrate his values and judgments as a form of communication as well as dissent. An opera buffa was the style of the period. (Grout 517) It was a light hearted opera which made the audience laugh and also to sell tickets. Mozart's Don Giovanni was opera buffa with much controversy. There was much discussion as the theme was thought to be too serious for a "funny" opera". People usually did not die nor were audiences frightened by stoned statues. Mozart's using three women characters was his own characteristic tool enabling to mix reality with storytelling. Gounoud wrote in the 19th century Don Giovanni was an "apogee of the lyrical drama, a wondrous example of truth, beauty of form, appropriateness of characterization, deep insight into the drama, purity of style, †¦.charm and tenderness in the love passages, and power in pathos." (Krehbiel 69) Don Giovanni "can be viewed as an archetype of every man or woman's alter ego, a man who faces that eternal conflict of the tension, desire and craving for love, and the st ruggle between emotion and reason, the spirit and the flesh, or the sacred and the profane". (Ballantine 19) In the 18th century period of Enlightenment, women were given intellectual and artistic liberties that the Don Juan of Moliere would never have had. These liberties were accepted as long as women adhered to the roles of the domestic life as well as appearing to support one's husband. Sexuality was open but behind the screen. Donna Anna, had she been scorned by Don Giovanni by our standards, she would have been considered as having been raped. Had she been scorned by the standards of the 18th century of Enlightenment, it would be possible to assume that he only shamed her future position as an aristocratic. Her role was to maintain the household and support her husband in appearance? Nowhere in the opera is it said why she is scorned, a 21rst century assumption is being made because of Don Giovanni's past histories with women. Much controversy has been made in literature to th e extent of the role women played in the period of Enlightenment. Needless to say, Mozart was highly touched by the dichotomy of the role of women. His wife would forgive him for his philander with servant girls but not with "educated or artistic"(Stafford 119) (Paumgartner, Mozart, 273). To the extent this showed the sexual freedom of 18th century Italy. It was quite common to have extra marital affairs for both men and women. In prenuptial agreements, women were allowed their cicisbeo or man

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Theoretical Validity of Alexander Wendts Belief That a World State Is Essay

Theoretical Validity of Alexander Wendts Belief That a World State Is Inevitable - Essay Example This essay stresses that aA unified state inevitability however has been criticised by different concepts within society. The imaginable nature of the political world without tyranny and war among elite nation is what may prevent a one state concept. The social and economic gap between the core state and peripheral state indicate the longer period in which the world could realise the dream of a unified state. The current political temperatures within state and ever-growing military action prevent the force concept of Wendt in ensuring unity. This paper makes a conclusion that , the theory of a unified state is attainable in the end. This implies that the world would develop models that will ensure they attain equilibrium and bridge the gap between nations. These include creating a common economic platform where states will achieve basic needs and satisfy needs based on the local demand. The political scene would mean that nations bury their political differences and work on common agendas to ensure they attain certain goals. Those objected to the global idea would be forced by circumstances or dealt with by other states. The world unified state scenario would be achievable only if major differences within states are worked resolved. The concept could otherwise be just, but a dream in that Wendt could only state his argument as a theory rather than a reality. The argument would mean a progressive revolution of the world and its creature to adapt to a similar concept.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Recent and Current Global Financial Crisis Essay - 1

The Recent and Current Global Financial Crisis - Essay Example This view has recently been confirmed by an IMF report (2011), that financial crises usually follow "credit or asset price bubbles" (IMF, p. 6). Moshirian (2010) has found that the inability of national regulatory bodies to respond adequately to a global market that has become increasingly interdependent has left these bodies unable to control regulatory arbitrage and the international movement of toxic assets (p. 504). In a way of confirming these last two perspectives Longstaff (2008) has found that lower movements in the ABX Index of credit-default swaps did cause financial contagion in other financial markets. This report will show how in the US, deregulation did serve to encourage market liquidity that could have advantaged banks and homeowners. The report will explain how the lack of appropriate regulation in the financial markets led to both a real estate bubble and the global financial crisis that reached the UK and world markets. Â  Since the Great Depression, the American government has initiated programs that encouraged homeownership for the average citizen while at the same time promoting and ensuring savings, as assets in banking institutions, that could be used to pay for mortgages. Following World War II there occurred several rounds of deregulation policy expressed through the passage of US federal acts that eventually, though not intentionally, allowed banks to collateralize the assets and to use them, as investment banks, to participate directly in the secondary financial markets. Deregulation was originally intended to finance supply with more liquidity of resources in order to meet an increasing demand in the real estate market.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Sensory perception Essay Example for Free

Sensory perception Essay Sensory perception cannot be entirely trusted specifically in terms of knowing what is real from what is not and what is genuine knowledge from what is mere belief for several reasons. For one, the human senses have the tendency to fluctuate in terms of its capacity to perform according to its specific functions (Ross, p. 500). For instance, the ears, when suffering from an ear infection, are highly prone to hear things quite differently. If this is the case, then our sensory perception of hearing through the ears does not have a strong merit for serving as the foundation for knowing the real world and distinguishing those that are not real. It is also the case that human sensory perception varies from person to person. For example, an ageing man may hear the same rustling of leaves or speech of an individual quite differently from a little kid. Or perhaps the same note played in a grand piano may faintly be heard by those with hearing defects but may be clearly be distinguished by the master pianist. These are only a few examples to illustrate the point that human sensory perception varies from person to person, and the list may very well be inexhaustible. This leads us towards the idea that, since human sensory perception greatly varies, it may be quite difficult to reach at a solid agreement among individuals concerning the common understanding of reality. Although there may be attempts to resolve such a crisis, the very fact that human sensory perception differs inhibit human beings from arriving at the bottom of the issue. Yet it cannot be doubted that, when asked about what is real from what is not, the tendency of the individual is to rely on sensory perception (Walton, p. 557). One can defend the idea that ‘this’ pencil is ‘real’ because the individual is able to see and touch the pencil. There are many other ways in order to provide possible arguments that support the idea that sensory perception grants human beings an access to reality and a corresponding awareness of it. While it may be true that the individual is able to see and old the pencil does it guarantee the individual that, indeed, the pencil is real? One is to be reminded that our eyes sometimes suffer from a blurring of vision and that our skin has the tendency to be sensitive or numb or somewhere between depending on the external environment and on the internal bodily processes the individual is experiencing. Apparently, sensory perception gives one experiences of one’s external environment and that these experiences may correspond to an actual object existing in the external environment of the individual (Brown, p. 336). If this is the case, then it is also probable that the object perceived through the senses may exist. Nevertheless, whether or not the object perceived exists in the external environment, the question remains: can sensory perception be trusted? With the idea of trusting the senses, we are directed towards the notion that the senses provide a way for the perceiving individual to ‘sense’ an object outside of one’s system (Sorabji, p. 60). It can be asserted that the senses provide the individual with sensory experiences such as the color and smell of the object, the quality of hotness or coldness and many others. The idea can further be stretched by arguing that, without the senses, the brain will have no way of accepting data from the external objects. But how is one to know what is real from what is mere hallucination? Correspondingly, how is one to know that one’s senses are giving an impression of a defective data offered by the impaired visual senses, for instance? The foundation for the refutation against the credibility of the senses rests on the idea that the senses of human beings are open to impairments and oftentimes prone to the trickery of the external environment. For example, mirages tend to trick the human eye and, consequently, the human understanding and the larger sphere of human knowledge. What appears to be a small patch of water in the middle of a scorching desert is the visual effect of heat on sand from afar. Unless the individual decides to get closer to the source of the desert ‘mirage’ can one be able to fully discern the idea that the eyes do not give us what is really the case. This case holds highly probable for the individual. The larger aspect of the faulty functioning of the senses can all the more be observed in terms of two or more individuals. Take for example the case of two individuals and a small piece of freshly baked bread. Assume that the first individual is one who lives in a warm region while the other individual lives near the fringes of Alaska. The first individual may very well claim that the freshly baked bread is not quiet hot while the Alaskan may very well claim that the bread is warm for the reason that the former is used to a warm environment while the latter lives in an environment where a little heat is easily detected by the skin. Or let one assume that the opposite case is true for the two individuals—either way, it can be observed that there is a difference in the way both individuals have ‘experienced’ the bread in terms of its hotness or coldness. The instance where there are variations in the manner in which individuals tend to have a sensory experience on the warmness or coldness of objects is one proof that, when applied to the larger context of humanity, there can hardly be any precise and unchanging sensory experience for the same object. While it may be true that humanity can generalize an object as either warm or cold, it nevertheless remains that it does not guarantee that all of the individuals have experienced one and the same degree of warmness or coldness of the object given the fact that the specific human anatomy widely varies from person to person although individuals may have the same general anatomy of, say, the head composed of the skull, eye sockets, teeth, etc. The point is that, although two, three, or a couple of individuals may agree that this or that object is ‘warm’, there is hardly any coherent and precise sensory perception that unifies all of human sensory experience on the same object or event at its most detailed form. This contention leads one to the consequent argument that sensory perception cannot be trusted and that these variations in human sensory experience fail to provide a substantial account for what is real from what is not. Why can’t sensory perception be trusted even if there are wide variations and disagreements on human sensory experiences? The answer to this question rests on the idea that human knowledge is a very critical aspect in the lives and progress of humanity. Since the daily experiences of human beings pretty much contribute to and define their knowledge of the external world, a corrupted sensory experience may lead to knowledge founded on false assumptions or beliefs. Further, if the wide variations in sensory experiences will serve as the basis for human knowledge, then it is not a farfetched idea that it will result to multiple interpretations and, consequently, multiple forms of knowledge on the same object or event. All the knowledge in the world becomes relative to the numerous individuals asserting their own stand on what knowledge is; knowledge becomes equally proportional to the total number of individuals advocating their own ‘knowledge’. If this is the case, can the separate notions of ‘knowledge’ correspond to a genuine knowledge? Or does it give the guarantee that all of these knowledge claims are sound and valid even though one or two of these knowledge claims come into conflict? The argument is clear: sensory perception cannot be trusted due to its dire effects on the epistemological exploits of humanity inasmuch as there is the primary concern or need for a true and genuine knowledge that transcends individual interpretations and relative sensory experiences. The seemingly ‘imperfect’ condition of the human sensory organs contributes in large parts to the disruptions in the corresponding sensory experiences. This ‘imperfect’ state should all the more prompt the rational mind to do away with trusting sensory perception as a guaranteed medium for obtaining knowledge and in understanding reality. Works Cited Brown, Kevin L. Dating Adam Smiths Essay Of the External Senses. Journal of the History of Ideas 53. 2 (1992): 336. Ross, Peter W. Qualia and the Senses. The Philosophical Quarterly 51. 205 (2001): 500. Sorabji, Richard. Aristotle on Demarcating the Five Senses. The Philosophical Review 80. 1 (1971): 60. Walton, William M. Is Existence a Valid Philosophical Concept? A Metaphysical Approach. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 12. 4 (1952): 557.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Cinematography Of American Beauty Film Studies Essay

The Cinematography Of American Beauty Film Studies Essay Cinematography is an art form, not just an aspect of a movie. Cinematography affects the mood and tone of a movie as well as the viewers feelings while watching a movie. In American Beauty this is demonstrated beautifully through camera techniques, lighting, and the framing of the shot. Camera techniques include aerial, deep focus, pan, shallow focus, slow motion, soft focus, and the tracking shot. Lighting is more than just shining a light on a character. The cinematographer must know how to manipulate the lighting to create the mood and the correct throw of the light. He must know when to use soft light and when to use hard light to create the lines and shadows desired. The framing of a shot also adds to a movie. Framing the shot is the placement of objects and people in a scene to create the mood or to direct the viewers focus. These are all elements to think about when watching a movie and they are all shown superbly in American Beauty. American Beauty is narrated by Lester Burnham, the husband of Carolyn Burnham and father of Jane Burnham. He informs the audience that he has less than a year to live but in reality he is already dead; and the whole movie looks back at his life through his eyes. Lester Burnham is a 42-year-old who is unhappily married and is despised by his wife and daughter. Behind the red door of their home, the family is falling apart. The dinner table is a battleground, where the mother and father tear apart one another s unhappy lives and their daughter retreats into a balanced yet flawed reality she has no thought of being loved. Carolyn is only driven by success and Lester has just had enough. He makes friends with the cool, confident Ricky Fitts (who supplies him with drugs) and becomes a rebel, no longer even pretending to accept his family s criticisms. Meanwhile his wife has an affair with the real estate King, Buddy Kane, and even when Lester finds out he does not care. Lester develops an obsession with his daughter Jane s friend Angela and his only goal in life is seducing her because he believes she is the personification of beauty. Ricky likes to film things that are beautiful which includes Jane. At first this freaks her out, but in the end the two develop a relationship. Lester attains his chance with Angela but he discovers that he has been living a fantasy and she is nothing more than a scared little girl. In the end, Lester is killed by Colonel Fitts (Ricky s father). The movie opens with an aerial shot of the street where the Burnhams live. The nameless, one of many streets in the city, provides a sense that the Burnhams are small and unimportant in the world. For the first part of the movie, Lester is shot from above and small in the shot, making him seem small and unimportant. However, as the film progresses and Lester becomes more powerful, shots of him tend to come from below, depicting his power. Also in the office the camera shoots a still deep focus shot, or a shot that keeps the entire image in sharp focus, of the cubicles in the office showing the ceiling. The shot of the ceiling with the lights glaring down makes the scene feel oppressive, like the office is more powerful than man. When the neighbors come to welcome the Fitts to the neighborhood, the camera shows Colonel Fitts opening the door and when the door; swings in front of the camera, it switches to a shot of the people at the door. Cutting the scene when the door swings by make s the scene appear seamless and smooth to the viewer. A swish pan, or a very fast panoramic camera movement, is used when Ricky is filming Jane through his window and his dad comes in yelling. Ricky turns fast to look causing the camera image to blur giving a sense of chaos to the scene. After Lester is shot, he talks about his life and remembers the good times. A left to right tracking shot is used for this scene, making all the memories flow together smoothly and the left to right movement of the camera imitates his life. These are just a few examples of the camera techniques used in American Beauty to help bring the movie to life. Lighting also plays an important role in the audience s perceptions of characters while creating the mood for the scene. Lester has a dream where he walks down a hallway and finds Angela in a bathtub in a room filled with steam at the end of the hall. The entire scene is in soft light, light not directly from the source, to provide the impression of a dreamlike state. Also whenever Jane and Ricky are together, they are filmed in low soft light. The darkness and the soft light help add to the romantic mood and create a kind of calm feeling about the shot. Lester wants to get in shape for Angela so he goes down to the garage to find his old weights. He then undresses and looks at his reflection in the window. The shot of Lester looking at his reflection is lighted from above to make him seem overly chubby. One of the best example of framing the shot are the shots of the Burnham family at the dinner table. Carolyn is seated at one end, Jane in the middle, and Lester at the other end of a long table. This long shot frame that includes all the people and some of the surrounding environment shows the distance between Carolyn and Lester and yields the impression that Jane is just caught in the middle. After an argument at the dinner table Lester talks to Jane in the kitchen. The camera shot from outside through the window shows the window pain splitting Lester and Jane as a sort of dividing line between them giving the impression of a wall. Another example of framing the shot is that of Carolyn driving home from the gun range and the camera shows her gun sitting on the seat next to investment books, suggesting that money kills. Many people share the opinion that American Beauty is a great movie. Michael Wilmington and Jay Carr, two men that review movies, both agree. Its a picture with a great cool shiny surface, and it boasts superb actors, witty and iconoclastic writing, vigorous and imaginative direction and brilliantly stylized cinematography states Wilmington (Wilmington). Also, a millennial classic says Carr (Carr). American Beauty received five, well deserved, Academy Awards one of them for cinematography. For cinematography to be good, the techniques used should not be apparent to the viewer: they should only add to the movie. Conrad Hall shows his style and mastery of the camera and lighting in American Beauty. The audience is not consciously aware of the techniques used but subconsciously they have a big impact on the viewers emotions. Truly, Conrad Hall is a master of the big screen.